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Cradle: Should I get the baby hammock or cradle?

The most important difference between our hammock and cradle is the type of base. The cradle has long interior dimensions and a flat base, which some children prefer. At the same time the cradle has the same calming effect as the hammock. The design

Cradle: Is it safe to use the cradle?

Moonboon always goes the extra mile to make sure to provide you with the best and safest products. This is why the Cradle has been developed in close cooperation with experts and adheres to the European safety standard EN 1130:2019. The Cradle can ea

Cradle: When and how long can I use the cradle?

The Cradle replaces the need for a bed or a floor-based cradle. Use it as your child’s favourite sleeping arrangement or in addition to the Baby Hammock and the Baby Wrap. The Cradle has been developed for babies and children from 3 kg. If you use th

User manual for Cradles purchased from 25th of July - 7th of October 2024

We continuously update our products to make them the best possible. This however means, that we also update our user manuals. As of the 7th of October, we have updated our user manual for the cradle, meaning if you have purchased a cradle between the