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Sleep Habits

Why is sleep so essential?

Infant sleep plays an important role in the child’s development, including cognition and physical growth. It is therefore important that the parent helps the baby into the sleep that the baby needs.

Does my baby sleep better and more when using the Motor and Hammock/Cradle?

Yes and no. Not two babies are alike and therefore some babies will react differently to the movement from the motor than others. However, the bouncing from the motor is a movement that they know from being inside their mother’s belly, which most lik

My baby has grown out of its baby hammock/cradle – how do I transition to a bed?

It can take some getting used to when you want to change the way your child sleeps. However, it doesn't have to be a bad experience. If you think your child is reacting to going from the baby hammock to a bed, take a step-by-step approach. We've put